This pancake was seeping out a rich orange sauce, combined with a some sort of liqueur which escapes my memory.
The orange wedges were a nice touch. I flattened the orange cells with my fork, spreading juice all over the crepe.
The warm pancake evaporated the icecream base, causing it to sink in a pool of sweet milk.
What is more guilty than parking on a double yellow line without a parking permit? A cupcake bearing a crunchy!
I associate crunchies with walking back from school and feeling like a little reward. In fact, I used to believe that crunchies were made out of real honey comb. How disappointed I was to find out twenty years later that in actual fact they are product of baked soda! Still perfect though!
Why is the centre of the interior darker than than the interior's exterior?
These were mini-cupcakes. They were baked an up class joint. The icing, adorning the cupcake, is for me the highlight.
The fruit chunks are an added bonus.
I much prefer mini-cupcakes as larger ones fill you automatically. Why have just one cake and eat it, when you can have a dozen amounting to the same cakeage and indeed quality?