Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Sushi Revisited

The yellow sushi is some sort of sweet omelet on a rice bed. The round ones were avocado.
The paste was wasabi. I could eat a bucket of the stuff but then I'd bang my head against the MIR Space station orbitting earth if I did.


  1. Love wasabi. Hey, I can't find Claudia's blog to add to my post. I swore I joined but don't see it. Much thanks.

  2. Very kind of you. Unfortunately, she forgot the code to her blog :(

    She'll either try to remember it or she is more than welcome to post on here.

    Poor thing. Later in Spring I would like to take nice photos of flowers for her blog. The weather has perked up here. It's actually sunny.

    How's the weather on your side of the Atlantic?

  3. A mix of clouds, sun and gray here. The flower photos were nice. Haven't seen Claudia around your blog lately. Big hello to her. I still remember her marble pound cake. So nummy.

  4. Oh my gosh. Just popped outside to warm my car before going to the shop and it is like spring out there. Wooohoo. Hope it's nice by you and C as well.

  5. Same here. We had glorious weather today. Hope it's like this till September!
